CustomDrops is fully region-based, so, drops do not work unless they have a region added to them. This was done to add the ability to drop different things in different places.
There are currently two types of regions: User Created Regions, and Global Regions.
Global regions aren't really regions and don't have to be created at all. They're recognized as regions in the region add menu and if they are added to a drop, the plugin will recognize that and allow the drop to work anywhere in any unblacklisted world!
Creating a Region
Obtain a region wand with the command: /cd region wand
Left-Click the first corner to set the first corner of the region, and Right-Click the opposite corner to complete the selection.
, create a region with the command: /cd region create <id>
Now you've created your first region! You can view the currently created regions with the command: or /cd region list
There are currently two types of Drops: Block Drops, and Mob Drops.
Have either the block, or spawn egg of the mob, and the new drop items in your inventory before following the steps below!
If mob doesn't have a spawn egg, consider the table below.
Creating a Drop
There are multiple ways for you to create drops, you can either:
Use the command:
Use the command:
Use the command: /cd create <id>
Once the creation menu is open, select one of the options (either the BlockDrop or MobDrop).
For BlockDrops, shift-click the block that you want to edit into the menu and click next.
For MobDrops, shift-click the spawn egg of the mob you want to edit into the menu and click next.
After clicking next, you should be prompted with a new menu. In this menu, go ahead and insert the new items that you want the Mob or Block to drop, then click next. (You can also leave the menu empty).
If you've completed all the above steps correctly, you should now be at the Drop editing menu. Now all you have to do is add the region you created, or a global region, to do so:
Click the beacon, and click on the Redstone dust or the clock that will be located at the bottom right of the menu.
Look for the region you created and click to add it, if it disappears, then it's been added!
IMPORTANT | Lastly, click the back button twice, and click the map located in the bottom right of the editing menu to save your changes to the server files! This may cause some lag.
You're DONE! Now close the menu, and test it out!
IMPORTANT | To save all plugin data to files, you can either restart the server properly or click the save button on the bottom right corner of the portal (/cd command opens portal menu).
Next Steps
Now, if you're ready to get into the more complex stuff, you can try to customize your drop even further by changing its settings or changing the Loot settings for the items you've added. You can even add actions or conditions to your drops!