Each drop can have a list of conditions, if one condition in the list fails, custom drops will not recognize the drop, otherwise, it will drop CustomDrops. Currently, there is one category of conditions: ItemStack conditions, with 6 conditions in it.
Creating a Condition
First off, if it's an item input condition, be sure to have the item in your inventory. Then, you can use the command:
/cd condition create <id>
Now, select a category (for now there is only one).
Now, select a condition type.
If it's a text input type, it will have a paper icon, and you'll be prompted in chat for it.
If it's an item input type, it will have a pickaxe icon, and you'll be prompted to insert an item.
Shift-Click the item into the menu and click the done button.
You're done! Now to add this condition to a drop, go into its edit menu, and click on the conditions button (Detector Rail). Then click the clock in the bottom right corner of the menu, and click the condition you created to add it. If it disappears, it means it's been added!
ItemStack Conditions
All the conditions that have to do with item stacks, and generally take items as inputs.
ItemMatch condition (Item Input)
This condition will check if the player's item matches exactly with the condition item.
ItemMaterial (Item Input)
This condition will check if the player's item material matches the condition item's material.
ItemName (Item Input)
This condition will check if the player's item name matches the condition item's name.
ItemLoreMatch (Item Input)
This condition will check if the player's item lore matches exactly with the condition item's lore.
ItemLoreContains (Text Input)
This condition takes in a text input and checks if the player's item contains (in any line) the text that you input.
ItemDurability (Text Input)
This condition will check if the player's item durability matches the condition item's durability.
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